Muscadine Grape Seeds | Big Black Grapes

Muscadine Grape Seeds | Big Black Grapes
Color: Black
5.2 GBP
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Muscadines are great to grow in the home garden, especially in the southeastern United States, as they have a high degree of tolerance to pests & disease. Muscadines are the grape of the south & grow best in zones 7-10. They thrive in the Southeastern United States, but are adaptable to other locations as well. As with most plants it is important to plant in an area with well draining soil. If an area stays wet after a heavy rain it is not an ideal location to plant your vines. One option is to plant on a mound or in a raised bed if you cannot find an adequate location. Muscadines should be planted in full sun if your goal is good fruit production. They will still grow in shaded areas, but the lack of sunlight will reduce fruit set. It’s a good idea to trellis your grape vines. Space the plants 10-20 feet apart leaving 4-10 feet between rows. Always plan out & erect a support system before planting so you don’t damage the root system during the construction. Complete instructions included on how to make dormant & grow your seeds.. Muscadine Grape Seeds | Big Black Grapes